Copy and paste this code into your terminal
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The contents of this script as show. Any updates will be reflected in the below code and the snippet.
say "👋 Welcome to interactive Ruby on Whales installer 🐳.\n" \ "Make sure you've read the guide:" DOCKER_DEV_ROOT = ".dockerdev" # Prepare variables and utility files # Collect the app's metadata app_name = # Load the project's deps and required Ruby version ruby_version = nil gemspecs = {} begin if File.file?("Gemfile.lock") bundler_parser ="Gemfile.lock")) gemspecs = Hash[ { |spec| [, spec.version] }] maybe_ruby_version = bundler_parser.ruby_version.match(/ruby (\d+\.\d+\.\d+)./i)&.[](1) end begin if maybe_ruby_version ruby_version = ask("Which Ruby version would you like to use? (Press ENTER to use #{maybe_ruby_version})") ruby_version = maybe_ruby_version if ruby_version.empty? else ruby_version = ask("Which Ruby version would you like to use? (For example, 3.1.0)") end rescue ArgumentError say "Invalid version. Please, try again" retry end end # Generates the Aptfile with system deps DEFAULT_APTFILE = <<~CODE # An editor to work with credentials vim CODE begin deps = [] loop do dep = ask "Which system package do you want to install? (Press ENTER to continue)" break if dep.empty? deps << dep end aptfile = File.join(DOCKER_DEV_ROOT, "Aptfile") FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(aptfile)) app_deps = if deps.empty? "\n" else (["# Application dependencies"] + deps + [""]).join("\n") end File.write(aptfile, DEFAULT_APTFILE + app_deps) end # Set up database related variables, create files database_adapter = nil database_url = nil begin supported_adapters = %w(postgresql postgis postgres) config_path = "config/database.yml" if File.file?(config_path) require "yaml" maybe_database_adapter = begin ::YAML.load_file(config_path, aliases: true) || {} rescue ArgumentError ::YAML.load_file(config_path) || {} end.dig("development", "adapter") end selected_database_adapter = if maybe_database_adapter ask "Which database adapter do you use? (Press ENTER to use #{maybe_database_adapter})" else ask "Which database adapter do you use?" end selected_database_adapter = maybe_database_adapter if selected_database_adapter.empty? if supported_adapters.include?(selected_database_adapter) database_adapter = selected_database_adapter else say_status :warn, "Unfortunately, we do no support #{selected_database_adapter} yet. Please, configure it yourself" end end # Specify PostgreSQL version postgres_version = nil postgres_base_image = "postgres" DEFAULT_POSTGRES_VERSION = "14" POSTGRES_ADAPTERS = %w[postgres postgresql postgis] if POSTGRES_ADAPTERS.include?(database_adapter) begin selected_postgres_version = ask "Which PostgreSQL version do you want to install? (Press ENTER to use #{DEFAULT_POSTGRES_VERSION})" postgres_version = selected_postgres_version.empty? ? DEFAULT_POSTGRES_VERSION : selected_postgres_version database_url = "#{database_adapter}://postgres:postgres@postgres:5432" if database_adapter == "postgis" postgres_base_image = "postgis/postgis" end end end # Node/Yarn configuration # TODO: Read Node/Yarn versions from .nvmrc/package.json. node_version = nil yarn_version = nil DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION = "16" begin selected_node_version = ask( "Which Node version do you want to install? (Press ENTER to use 16, type 'n/no' to skip installing Node)" ) unless selected_node_version =~ /^\s*no?\s*$/ node_version = selected_node_version.empty? ? DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION : selected_node_version yarn_version = ask "Which Yarn version do you want to install? (Press ENTER to install the latest one)" yarn_version = "latest" if yarn_version.empty? end end # Redis info redis_version = nil DEFAULT_REDIS_VERSION = "6.0" begin if gemspecs.key?("redis") maybe_redis_version = ask "Which Redis version do you want to install? (Press ENTER to use #{DEFAULT_REDIS_VERSION})" redis_version = maybe_redis_version.empty? ? DEFAULT_REDIS_VERSION : maybe_redis_version end end # Generate configuration file "#{DOCKER_DEV_ROOT}/Dockerfile", *[ <<~'CODE' ARG RUBY_VERSION ARG DISTRO_NAME=bullseye FROM ruby:$RUBY_VERSION-slim-$DISTRO_NAME ARG DISTRO_NAME # Common dependencies RUN apt-get update -qq \ && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -yq --no-install-recommends \ build-essential \ gnupg2 \ curl \ less \ git \ && apt-get clean \ && rm -rf /var/cache/apt/archives/* \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/* \ && truncate -s 0 /var/log/*log <% if postgres_version %> ARG PG_MAJOR RUN curl -sSL | apt-key add - \ && echo deb $DISTRO_NAME-pgdg main $PG_MAJOR > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list RUN apt-get update -qq && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -yq dist-upgrade && \ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -yq --no-install-recommends \ libpq-dev \ postgresql-client-$PG_MAJOR \ && apt-get clean \ && rm -rf /var/cache/apt/archives/* \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/* \ && truncate -s 0 /var/log/*log <% end %> <% if node_version %> ARG NODE_MAJOR RUN curl -sL$NODE_MAJOR.x | bash - RUN apt-get update -qq && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -yq dist-upgrade && \ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -yq --no-install-recommends \ nodejs \ && apt-get clean \ && rm -rf /var/cache/apt/archives/* \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/* \ && truncate -s 0 /var/log/*log <% if yarn_version == 'latest' %> RUN npm install -g yarn <% else %> ARG YARN_VERSION RUN npm install -g yarn@$YARN_VERSION <% end %> <% end %> # Application dependencies # We use an external Aptfile for this, stay tuned COPY Aptfile /tmp/Aptfile RUN apt-get update -qq && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -yq dist-upgrade && \ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -yq --no-install-recommends \ $(grep -Ev '^\s*#' /tmp/Aptfile | xargs) \ && apt-get clean \ && rm -rf /var/cache/apt/archives/* \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/* \ && truncate -s 0 /var/log/*log # Configure bundler ENV LANG=C.UTF-8 \ BUNDLE_JOBS=4 \ BUNDLE_RETRY=3 # Store Bundler settings in the project's root ENV BUNDLE_APP_CONFIG=.bundle # Uncomment this line if you want to run binstubs without prefixing with `bin/` or `bundle exec` # ENV PATH /app/bin:$PATH # Upgrade RubyGems and install the latest Bundler version RUN gem update --system && \ gem install bundler # Create a directory for the app code RUN mkdir -p /app WORKDIR /app # Document that we're going to expose port 3000 EXPOSE 3000 # Use Bash as the default command CMD ["/usr/bin/bash"] CODE ], trim_mode: "<>").result(binding) file "#{DOCKER_DEV_ROOT}/compose.yml", *[ <<~'CODE' x-app: &app build: context: . args: RUBY_VERSION: '<%= ruby_version %>' <% if postgres_version %> PG_MAJOR: '<%= postgres_version.split('.', 2).first %>' <% end %> <% if node_version %> NODE_MAJOR: '<%= node_version.split('.', 2).first %>' <% end %> <% if yarn_version && yarn_version != 'latest' %> YARN_VERSION: '<%= yarn_version %>' <% end %> image: <%= app_name %>-dev:1.0.0 environment: &env <% if node_version %> NODE_ENV: ${NODE_ENV:-development} <% end %> RAILS_ENV: ${RAILS_ENV:-development} tmpfs: - /tmp - /app/tmp/pids x-backend: &backend <<: *app stdin_open: true tty: true volumes: - ..:/app:cached - bundle:/usr/local/bundle - rails_cache:/app/tmp/cache <% if"app/assets") %> - assets:/app/public/assets <% end %> <% if node_version %> - node_modules:/app/node_modules <% end %> <% if gemspecs.key?("webpacker") %> - packs:/app/public/packs - packs-test:/app/public/packs-test <% end %> - history:/usr/local/hist <% if postgres_version %> - ./.psqlrc:/root/.psqlrc:ro <% end %> - ./.bashrc:/root/.bashrc:ro environment: &backend_environment <<: *env <% if redis_version %> REDIS_URL: redis://redis:6379/ <% end %> <% if database_url %> DATABASE_URL: postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres:5432 <% end %> <% if gemspecs.key?("webpacker") %> WEBPACKER_DEV_SERVER_HOST: webpacker <% end %> MALLOC_ARENA_MAX: 2 WEB_CONCURRENCY: ${WEB_CONCURRENCY:-1} BOOTSNAP_CACHE_DIR: /usr/local/bundle/_bootsnap XDG_DATA_HOME: /app/tmp/caches <% if yarn_version %> YARN_CACHE_FOLDER: /app/node_modules/.yarn-cache <% end %> HISTFILE: /usr/local/hist/.bash_history <% if postgres_version %> PSQL_HISTFILE: /usr/local/hist/.psql_history <% end %> IRB_HISTFILE: /usr/local/hst/.irb_history EDITOR: vi <% if postgres_version || redis_version %> depends_on: <% if postgres_version %> postgres: condition: service_healthy <% end %> <% if redis_version %> redis: condition: service_healthy <% end %> <% end %> services: rails: <<: *backend command: bundle exec rails web: <<: *backend command: bundle exec rails server -b ports: - '3000:3000' <% if gemspecs.key?("webpacker") || gemspecs.key?("sidekiq") %> depends_on: <% if gemspecs.key?("webpacker") %> webpacker: condition: service_started <% end %> <% if gemspecs.key?("sidekiq") %> sidekiq: condition: service_started <% end %> <% end %> <% if gemspecs.key?("sidekiq") %> sidekiq: <<: *backend command: bundle exec sidekiq <% end %> <% if postgres_version %> postgres: image: postgres:<%= postgres_version %> volumes: - .psqlrc:/root/.psqlrc:ro - postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data - history:/user/local/hist environment: PSQL_HISTFILE: /user/local/hist/.psql_history POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres ports: - 5432 healthcheck: test: pg_isready -U postgres -h interval: 5s <% end %> <% if redis_version %> redis: image: redis:<%= redis_version %>-alpine volumes: - redis:/data ports: - 6379 healthcheck: test: redis-cli ping interval: 1s timeout: 3s retries: 30 <% end %> <% if gemspecs.key?("webpacker") %> webpacker: <<: *app command: bundle exec ./bin/webpack-dev-server ports: - '3035:3035' volumes: - ..:/app:cached - bundle:/usr/local/bundle - node_modules:/app/node_modules - packs:/app/public/packs - packs-test:/app/public/packs-test environment: <<: *env WEBPACKER_DEV_SERVER_HOST: YARN_CACHE_FOLDER: /app/node_modules/.yarn-cache <% end %> volumes: bundle: <% if node_version %> node_modules: <% end %> history: rails_cache: <% if postgres_version %> postgres: <% end %> <% if redis_version %> redis: <% end %> <% if"app/assets") %> assets: <% end %> <% if gemspecs.key?("webpacker") %> packs: packs-test: <% end %> CODE ], trim_mode: "<>").result(binding) file "dip.yml", *[ <<~'CODE' version: '7.1' # Define default environment variables to pass # to Docker Compose environment: RAILS_ENV: development compose: files: - <%= DOCKER_DEV_ROOT %>/compose.yml project_name: <%= app_name %> interaction: # This command spins up a Rails container with the requried dependencies (such as databases), # and opens a terminal within it. runner: description: Open a Bash shell within a Rails container (with dependencies up) service: rails command: /bin/bash # Run a Rails container without any dependent services (useful for non-Rails scripts) bash: description: Run an arbitrary script within a container (or open a shell without deps) service: rails command: /bin/bash compose_run_options: [ no-deps ] # A shortcut to run Bundler commands bundle: description: Run Bundler commands service: rails command: bundle compose_run_options: [ no-deps ] <% if gemspecs.key?("rspec") %> # A shortcut to run RSpec (which overrides the RAILS_ENV) rspec: description: Run Rspec commands service: rails environment: RAILS_ENV: test command: bundle exec rspec <% end %> rails: description: Run Rails commands service: rails command: bundle exec rails subcommands: s: description: Run Rails server at http://localhost:3000 service: web compose: run_options: [ service-ports, use-aliases ] <% if !gemspecs.key?("rspec") %> test: description: Run unit tests service: rails command: bundle exec rails test environment: RAILS_ENV: test <% end %> <% if yarn_version %> yarn: description: Run Yarn commands service: rails command: yarn compose_run_options: [ no-deps ] <% end %> <% if postgres_version %> psql: description: Run Postgres psql console service: postgres default_args: anycasts_dev command: psql -h postgres -U postgres <% end %> <% if redis_version %> 'redis-cli': description: Run Redis console service: redis command: redis-cli -h redis <% end %> provision: - dip compose down --volumes <% if postgres_version %> - dip compose up -d postgres <% end %> <% if redis_version %> - dip compose up -d redis <% end %> - dip bash -c bin/setup CODE ], trim_mode: "<>").result(binding) file "#{DOCKER_DEV_ROOT}/.bashrc", *[ <<~'CODE' alias be="bundle exec" CODE ], trim_mode: "<>").result(binding) if postgres_version file "#{DOCKER_DEV_ROOT}/.psqlrc", *[ <<~'CODE' -- Don't display the "helpful" message on startup. \set QUIET 1 -- Allow specifying the path to history file via `PSQL_HISTFILE` env variable -- (and fallback to the default $HOME/.psql_history otherwise) \set HISTFILE `[ -z $PSQL_HISTFILE ] && echo $HOME/.psql_history || echo $PSQL_HISTFILE` -- Show how long each query takes to execute \timing -- Use best available output format \x auto -- Verbose error reports \set VERBOSITY verbose -- If a command is run more than once in a row, -- only store it once in the history \set HISTCONTROL ignoredups \set COMP_KEYWORD_CASE upper -- By default, NULL displays as an empty space. Is it actually an empty -- string, or is it null? This makes that distinction visible \pset null '[NULL]' \unset QUIET CODE ], trim_mode: "<>").result(binding) end file "#{DOCKER_DEV_ROOT}/", *[ <<~'CODE' # Docker for Development Source: [Ruby on Whales: Dockerizing Ruby and Rails development]( ## Installation - Docker installed. For MacOS just use the [official app]( - [`dip`]( installed. You can install `dip` as Ruby gem: ```sh gem install dip ``` ## Provisioning When using Dip it could be done with a single command: ```sh dip provision ``` ## Running ```sh dip rails s ``` ## Developing with Dip ### Useful commands ```sh # run rails console dip rails c # run rails server with debugging capabilities (i.e., `debugger` would work) dip rails s # or run the while web app (with all the dependencies) dip up web # run migrations dip rails db:migrate # pass env variables into application dip VERSION=20100905201547 rails db:migrate:down # simply launch bash within app directory (with dependencies up) dip runner # execute an arbitrary command via Bash dip bash ls -al tmp/cache # Additional commands # update gems or packages dip bundle install <% if yarn_version %> dip yarn install <% end %> <% if postgres_version %> # run psql console dip psql <% end %> <% if redis_version %> # run Redis console dip redis-cli <% end %> # run tests <% if gemspecs.key?("rspec") %> # TIP: `dip rspec` is already auto prefixed with `RAILS_ENV=test` dip rspec spec/path/to/single/test.rb:23 <% else %> # TIP: `dip rails test` is already auto prefixed with `RAILS_ENV=test` dip rails test <% end %> # shutdown all containers dip down ``` ### Development flow Another way is to run `dip <smth>` for every interaction. If you prefer this way and use ZSH, you can reduce the typing by integrating `dip` into your session: ```sh $ dip console | source /dev/stdin # no `dip` prefix is required anymore! $ rails c Loading development environment (Rails 7.0.1) pry> ``` CODE ], trim_mode: "<>").result(binding) todos = [ "📝 Important things to take care of:", " - Make sure you have `ENV[\"RAILS_ENV\"] = \"test\"` (not `ENV[\"RAILS_ENV\"] ||= \"test\"`) in your test helper." ] if database_url todos << " - Don't forget to add `url: ENV[\"DATABASE_URL\"]` to your database.yml" end if todos.any? say_status(:warn, todos.join("\n")) end say_status :info, "✅ You're ready to sail! Check out #{DOCKER_DEV_ROOT}/ or run `dip provision && dip up web` 🚀"
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